
A Warriors Eulogy
Author: Josh Coyne
Tue May 23 00:00:00 UTC 2006 |
Well it has happened, The Wastes will be closing its doors for the final time. A long and storied mod, with roots in Wasteland Half-Life, The Wastes was a fun project that all of us on the team will be reminiscing about for quite some time. Wasteland was wrought with periods of hard productivity and hard instability. Our love of the genre and our love of game design made it all worthwhile. The Wastes has hit its final chapter, and at this point it is akin to saving the Titanic with rusty buckets. Slowing down the death only put a burden on myself and the rest of the team. Our focuses have shifted a great deal especially when you consider this mod started in the late nineties!
One of our goals was to make games for a living some day. Not merely to make money off such ventures, but because we wanted our livelihoods to be just as rewarding as what we did when we were teenagers. Ted (Postman), Artem (X-Convict), Darin (Witzbold), and myself have all found spots at various development shops. Many other team members present and past are well on their way to living out their dream as well. They just need to start graduating from universities! Based on this I would say The Wastes has been a resounding success in preparing us for the journeys of life without the bomb.
For your post apocalyptic fix there are other mods for next-gen engines such as Source in development. The most impressive one that comes to mind is Forsaken. While it may not be The Wastes, that can only be a good thing because then you are playing an entirely new game set in a comfortable setting for us.
I am not sure what the rest of the team plans to do, but as for myself I do plan to keep to my own side projects outside of the daily grind, but more on a low profile. Until then, hopefully we can keep the forums running for a time on Gamespy. They have been great hosts for us, and there are many in the community that would be worthwhile to keep in contact with.
While it is easy to see this as a day of sadness, I understand. For myself I am sad but also relieved in a way. I always wondered how The Wastes would end, and with any mod there are only two outcomes: slow death or commercialization. I suppose if the fans would develop The Wastes with the fervor that you all have, we would be seeing news updates as I'm enjoying retirement.
Please take care everybody. It has been a fun fun time, and it will be in the future. Just without the name `The Wastes`. In the spirit of Lt. Ripley, this is the last transmission from the outpost. I hope everyone makes it back before any of those slimy mutants start running around. They mostly come out at night. Mostly.