
Back in the day
Author: Josh Coyne
Mon Oct 17 00:00:00 UTC 2005 |
If you are coming from Planet Half-life, welcome! Today I will bring you up to speed on just what `The Wastes` is, what the status is, and what you can expect from us.
`The Wastes` started back in the original Half-Life days as `Wasteland Half-Life`. Rugged and original, the mod broke ground in the post-apoc genre and led to many popular reviews and spinoffs. `The Wastes for Half-Life` became the next iteration from a portion of the original team members to upgrade the graphics and game quality of the product. It was marred by internal struggling however and led to an ultimately lack luster release. Some of the members went on to produce new mods, or simply moved on with real life.
`The Wastes: Source` is the next chapter in this saga. Spanning over 6 years `The Wastes` has come a long way. Many team members have come back for this version, and I am currently managing this from the ground up. I am excited about the work already underway in the past few weeks, and I hope you will be as well. TW:S will feature an original back-story, diverse weapons, wacky characters, and unique and inspiring game modes. As usual we adhere to a when it's done release, however many aspects of the development process have changed and you can expect the mod in a much quicker time frame than you may anticipate. In the meantime feel free to browse the site and check out the forums, the team is always around to answer any questions you may have.