
The Wastes is not dead or slowing down
Author: Josh Coyne
Wed Aug 21 00:00:00 UTC 2002 |
Haven't had a bit of a news update in a while, I even got an email a few days ago from No Mutants Allowed, asking what was going on with the mod, etc. Well, we aren't dead or even slowing down. If anything the lack of news posts means that I am too busy to worry about it, but I'm taking a code break today(more like the whips of work are on break, and that means so am I!). I guess the best example of "progress" I can give you is that one of the main systems of the mod should be done soon, Weapons!! A few days ago i coded up the melee weapons, so all that is left is Akimbo weapons before i start beating the playtesters to find all the bugs while i work on the HUD. After that, I will most likely move on to the new game modes we have planned, and when the team finalizes the game modes for RC1, we will let everyone else know. We already have about 6 game modes in addition to deathmatch that I believe will definitely make it in, although only 3 of them require custom maps. The other 3 are still based around a deathmatch level with gameplay variance. The good part about that is we won't need 50 maps just to make RC1, some of the maps can push double/triple duty as needed, allowing us to concentrate on finally getting a game out to you guys. Once the new HUD is complete expect a new batch of screenshots to be paraded around. Just to give you guys a timeframe the new HUD is about 25% complete I'd say.
Some people have asked me why they cant use some of the new weapons on the website or why they cant use new models. Im sure most of the people that browse our website know about it but simply put, All the artwork has been redesigned for RC1, and I am recoding the code base. Let's just say when RC1 comes out it will be a fresh mod in visuals and gameplay, while keeping the original Wasteland core gameplay ideals.
Again, some people know about this, but Kruddman is no longer on our team. I don't wish to indulge into the details because simply put, you don't want to know. But his presence on our mod still exists, the website you are reading was designed by his creativity, he did alot of artwork for this project and while the circumstances are long and drawn out, His work will be appreciated.