
Your Likeness in The Wastes!
Author: Alex Yao
Thu Apr 11 00:00:00 UTC 2002 |
I'm looking for a few good men and women. Some of my character models lack faces! The face is the real element of the character. The whole attitude of him/her. If you think you've got a perfect face for a rough and tough wasteland warrior send me a high quality photograph of your face from the front with quality lighting. If I can find a place for it on a character and the photo is good enough quality your face will be shot at by hundreds of people! now! doesn't that sound appealing?
Send your entries here: kruddman@contaminated.net
or contact me on ICQ: 84496066
Requirements: Over 18 years old. Mainly for cosmetic reasons. Image sizes must remain under 600kb if emailed. If you upload your face to a location and send the URL to me it can be any size you want.
I suggest zipping the image file so it can be larger size than file sent.
You may submit more than one image. Different facial expressions. In fact it'd be appreciated.
By submitting your face you give The Wastes team the right to use your likeness. It doesn't mean we've stolen your soul or anything. It just means we can use and modify the image our discretion.