
Weapons progress and new concept art
Author: 'Gaist Heidegger'
Tue Aug 28 00:00:00 UTC 2001 |
Heads up from the wastes; In our ever vigilant quest for immersive combat and common-sense goodies, we're now prepping various weapons, such as the pump-action shotgun, so that when one crouches or aims one actually raises & braces their buttstock against ones shoulder, thus actually steadying their shot. Hard to visualize? Picture normal firing as from the hip. Now imagine in-game on a whim bringing it up to shoulder-level for a more accurate and less recoil shot. Voila. I'm sure you gun enthusiasts will love it.
Nirrad is hard at work on technical drawings for character armor designs. We're going all-out hardcore with this, and what it basically means is that the number of player models is tripled; Three for each character to represent light, medium, and heavily-armored conditions. Bon apetit my fair wastelanders, because it's looking damn awesome. Check out Gustavo's light gear here.
Oh, and I updated the Art De Wastes section quite a bit. Check out more sexiness within ;)