
Posty's New Gibs!
Author: 'Gaist Heidegger'
Fri Mar 23 00:00:00 UTC 2001 |
My profound apologies ladies and gents for having taken so long for this update. As any of you whom are fans of fallout know, Fallout: Tactics came out recently, and I admit that I became quite engrossed, thus not having time to keep you all posted. However, this is not to say we havent been busy, and as you can see below, it's quite to the contrary. In fact, the sheer circumstance that we've now got our own decals.wad done as well as our own gib models makes it official-- Wasteland has -entirely- immersed itself in nothing but our own elements. (i.e., TC!)
I hope you enjoy the pic, because Postman's probably going to kill me for showing it off *grins* Tomorrow I'm going to post some -nice- screens of our new p_ models, which look absolutely awesome. Very sharp stuff, courtesy of trappey and his amazingly broad abilities!
Without further adieu ....