
Looking for Webmasters for Barter Town and Waystation
Author: 'Gaist Heidegger'
Thu May 25 00:00:00 UTC 2000 |
Good news from the wastes! We have managed to bring together a smashing new damage engine, built from scratch, and I must say that it's all looking very kickass! We're currently experimenting with a number of game scenarios to see which suites us best, from domination to assault to hold the petrol. Let us know your thoughts on the forums! In other news...
The Wasteland team is seeking talented webmasters interested in running and maintaining one of two sub-sites for the Wasteland mod. Applicants must be experienced with HTML and script procedures, and have an interest in dedicated coverage and thoroughness. Incentives include testing privaleges of future releases, advanced information, and the glory that is having a much-visited site.
The Following two locales are available for application:
Barter Town (btown.wastelandhalflife.com/)
Skin & Model replacements
Tutortials for the above
Independent forums
Large cache of pre-done graphics to work with
Wasteland Waystation (waystation.wastelandhalflife.com)
Comprehensive News & Information site
Weapon & Map Strategies
Independent Forums
Flexible previewing, featuring, columbs, mailbag, etc.
The above two positions, once established, will receive independent domain names, and full endorsement from both the Wasteland development team and our associated partners. Only the serious need apply.
If interested, send a brief description of your ideas and\or concepts you would like to accomplish, the site you are interested in taking on, and a zip containing example work you have done in the past (This can include HTML, Images, Layouts, et cetera) to gaist@wastelandhalflife.com with the subject line "Webmaster Inquiry"