
Wasteland Half-Life Beta 1.2 Short Update
Author: Adam Schwaninger
Tue Apr 18 00:00:00 UTC 2000 |
Short update: We've taken on some new help, lured by the WHL's sudden publicity. I'd like to thank Darkzrain for stepping in and debugging Beta 1.0 after the release Thursday, and give a warm welcome to NesQuik, who will be taking over as the full-time WHL programmer. From what I've seen so far, the next update will be a LOT more than a simple bug fix. Here's a tidbit - the Handcannon will be making an appearance in the next version! It fires high-velocity rifle bullets and will ruin anyone's day...
Next, a word about those nagging BUGS. We've narrowed them down to "wierd resolution problems", "funky software mode problems", "cranky Linux ports", and "sorry, it's just your particular setup" bugs. A quick checklist to minimize crashes and unpleasantness:
Ensure your resolution is 640x480 or greater! WHL's sprites don't work right or at all with resolutions less than 640x480!
Make sure that mp_weaponstay is OFF! Otherwise you'll be unable to drop weapons, and akimbo pistols won't equip properly.
The liblist.gam SHOULD have the line: gamedll_linux "dlls/mp_i386.so" underneath the gamedll line. I'd keep one file with and one without this line until everyone switches over, otherwise you won't be let in. BUT, this should solve some Linux problems, and it will be corrected for the next release.