TheWastes.net is now back online!
Author: Maxwell Bunch
Fri Mar 17 00:50:59 UTC 2023
We have revived the original web domain for The Wastes!
I personally took the time to restore as many news posts as Archive.org was able to crawl throughout The Wastes' 20+ years.
If you see anything amiss, have any of the missing files, or have anything backed up relating to Wasteland Half-Life, The Wastes, Dead Cities, and/or anything TW related in-between, shoot me a line at "maxwell (at) vera-visions.com" and I can take care of it and get it archived.
The Gallery and Atlas are still yet to be setup; the latter in which had never been setup by the original team either. We need to find a way to streamline and automate the Gallery to make maintenance a breeze.
Sometime in the near future you should see Barter Town and the webpage for Dead Cities come back online. We'll post about it when they're live again.
We may also look into restoring several eras of the site as sub-domains that act as "skins" for the main website, but this little pet project has already been a huge undertaking as it is!
Until then, we're running a 75% off sale on The Wastes from March 16th, 2023 to March 23rd, 2023 to correspond with the Steam Spring Sale. Consider picking up a copy... or two... or a few...
The Wastes 1.3 Update Released
Author: Marco Cawthorne
Fri Jun 24 14:56:37 UTC 2022
We have released The Wastes 1.3 Update yesterday, in time for the Steam Summer Sale!
This means you're also getting a nice discount! We've been working for a long time on this major rewrite. Please let us know of any issues.
We're still working behind the scenes on getting some stuff together that didn't make it into yesterday's release - so stay tuned.
Open Beta for The Wastes 1.3 is here
Author: Marco Cawthorne
Fri May 6 20:45:30 UTC 2022
It's Friday! We've just pushed out the current in-development build of The Wastes 1.3 to Steam's beta branch.
You'll find plenty of new stuff you haven't seen before, things should be more or less stable but a lot of content is not yet finished. We had to strip Snowbound and two other, unannounced maps because they're not ready. The Singleplayer is not representable of 1.3's final release either and file specifications aren't completely finalized - but you can have some limited fun already.
As always, let us know the things you like, or dislike in the Steampowered Forums!
You can find the full announcement here
TWTest is now available
Author: Marco Cawthorne
Sat Apr 16 20:53:55 UTC 2022
TWTest is now available for download and testing.
You have to agree to our software terms to use the software.
Proceed here
Update 1.3 - Here's what we've been up to!
Author: Maxwell Bunch
Fri Mar 6 06:55:00 UTC 2020
Greetings, Wastelander.
You may be wondering where's the new 1.3 update for The Wastes and well... We have to come clean.
The Wastes 1.3 is still coming, but it will not be coming at the end of last year.
Yeah... better late than never...
Due to technical issues, 1.3 had to be delayed, but this does mean you can expect more to come with this latest update.
However, we are not comfortable with announcing a new release date at this current time.
That's not stopping us from telling you guys some more juicy details about what to come in the wasteland.
New Feature: Mission Editor
Build single player & cooperative scenarios to battle on the wasteland.
While this is our current offerings for single player content, we're still open to future possibilities.
New Map: Oil Rig
These fossil fuels have long since dried up...
Revamped Map: Ramshackle

Ramshackle has seen many facelifts throughout its life and we feel we've greatly improved the map with this new version!
Various visual overhauls and a few layout changes have been done to the map since the version in 1.2.
New Gamemode: Team Anarchy
You asked for it and we delivered it. Classic free-for-all team based combat.
But more importantly...
New Feature: ICE support powered by Frag-Net
With ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) it is now possible to connect to other players' lobbies without the need to port forward your router.
But there's still more to come in The Wastes 1.3...

Remember... Everything above is subject to change.
We are listening! Please voice your feedback!
Join us on The Wastes' IRC:
irc.frag-net.com #wastes
We hope to see you soon on the wasteland, but until then...
Keep on fragging!
~ Vera Visions & Cobalt-57
- Older news are in the Archive